September 26 is the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. September 21 is also the International Day for Peace. These events occur as world leaders gather in New York for the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly and for the UN Summit on Sustainable Development.
And it’s just before the UN General Assembly considers disarmament proposals, which could include the start of a UN process to achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world – see United Nations General Assembly to re-open the door to a nuclear-weapon free world?
UNFOLD ZERO encourages you to take action in the week Sep 21-26 to highlight peace and nuclear disarmament.
- Organise a special screening of the award-winning movie ‘The Man Who Saved the World’ featuring Stanislav Petrov (the man himself), Kevin Costner, Sergey Shnrynov, Matt Damon, Natalia Vdovina & Robert de Niro. On the night of September 26, 1983, Stanislav Petrov disobeyed military protocol and probably prevented a nuclear holocaust. He says that he is not a hero: 'I was just in the right place at the right time.’ Watch this new movie and you decide! For more information see ‘The Man Who Saved the World’ International Screening Week Sep 21-26, 2015 or contact
Send a letter/email/tweet to your President/Prime Minister (copied to your Foreign Minister and UN Ambassador), calling on them to highlight the International Day when they speak at the United Nations in September, and demanding - ‘Don’t nuke what I/we love’! Take a photo of yourself (and friends/family) next to something you love and don’t want nuked. Add your photo to your email/letter and post it on social media with #Sep26dontnukeus.
- Click here for a sample letter/email.
- Click here for contacts to Presidents, Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers and UN Ambassadors.
- Encourage your local mayor, parliamentarian and/or religious leader to endorse the Joint Statement of Legislators and Religious Leaders for a Nuclear Weapon Free World, (also available in Arabic, French, German, Japanese, Russian and Spanish) which Mayors for Peace, Religions for Peace and Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament will present to the United Nations on September 26 to support UN actions for a nuclear-weapon-free world. See A Nuclear-Weapon-Free World Our Common Good: Legislators and religious leaders join forces for nuclear abolition.
- Keep UNFOLD ZERO informed of your actions. Contact